Monday, December 17, 2007

Harris's Birthday Cake

You're never too old for a cake shaped like a baseball stadium. It's been a few days since Harris reached the big 35, but I'm just now gettting around to publishing photos of his Citizens Bank Park birthday cake. I was watching a show on the Food Network about charm city cakes and got inspired by an incredible cake they made of Camden Yards. I knew a similar cake (only Phillies-related, of course) would be the perfect present for Harris! Here's a picture of the actual stadium, just in case you don't realize right off the bat that this is an actual, scale-model replica of Citizens Bank Park.

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Anonymous said...

Animal! You're a pro-blogger! Great pics. And the cake was delicious as well as looking like a perfect replica...

Dogwood Girl said...

HOly crap - I am v. impressed. How did you do the slanty part of the cake?

Welcome to blogging, btw. You did great, Tiger.

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely amazing. Dare I ask how many hours it took you????????

Anonymous said...

Thanks, everyone. It took a few hours to do the cake, plus more time for making patterns. I just used white cake, which is pretty firm, and used a really sharp knife to shape the layers.