Monday, January 14, 2008

In the future, all my meals will be liquid

Apparently the future is right around the corner, because Anne's new robotic juicer has already made its presence felt only two days after being removed from its packaging. Yesterday it was oh so delicious orange juice. Tonight, carrot juice. I'm pushing for a banana smoothie or tomato juice next, but I think Anne is going to have me drinking celery or cauliflower juice by week's end. It won't be long before we're juicing up a batch of 'leftover' juice.


Anonymous said...

Dude. Have you actually contemplated making a smoothie from a Varsity cheeseburger, chili cheese fries, and an FO? :)

Harris said...

Now you're talking...though I'd have to have that sent to me.

I was thinking more of a turkey leg, mashed potatos, and cranberry sauce. Thanksgiving in a mug.