Monday, February 11, 2008

Ithaca is Gorges

Of all the phrases coined for the indie t-shirt market, I think this one might be the absolute best. Ithaca is Gorges. Truly, it is.

So the travel for work has been cranking up a bit lately and I found myself driving four and a half hours to Ithaca last week, from a beautiful 60 degree New York afternoon into my first snow storm of the year. I watched the skid lights flicker on and off as I realized that I can't really drive in snow or ice. The fact that I drive once every six months, rain or shine, probably doesn't help out at all. Actually, I anticipate quite a few more trips via car in the upcoming weeks/months, so I went ahead and bought the cheapest GPS I could find. After using it I think I might have made a mistake by buying on the cheap end. I saved myself $100 or $150 and in return I hear:

"Prepare to turn right in 1.2 miles"

When what I could be hearing is:

"Prepare to turn right in 1.2 miles on to McDougall Street"

I didn't think it was that big of a deal when I was researching it, but in retrospect, it would probably have been money well spent.

Anyhow, Ithaca. Gorges. Very cool college town, albeit with a bit of a hippy vibe. It was too cold for me to see much of anything besides, well, the inside of a bunch of buildings, but I hear there are some amazing summertime outdoor options as well as the arts/bars/downtown shops required of any self respecting college town.

More travel soon.


Anonymous said...

But at least with a GPS you are never really alone....or hopefully hopelessly lost.

Harris said...

Definitely comforting to have one. Though the word 'recalculating' has become a four letter word.

Gretchen said...

Ithaca is great. Rivals only Athens in coolest college town in USA.